Preview- Ann Bancroft Grant Application, Fall 2023
Applicant Information
Please include the information below for the applicant (girl) applying for the grant.
Grant Year
______________________ (2023)
Applicant First Name
Applicant Last Name
Applicant Home Street Address
Applicant Home City
Applicant Home State (MN)
Applicant Home Zip Code
Applicant Home County
Applicant Phone Number
Applicant Email Address
Applicant Date of Birth
Applicant Current Age
Applicant Current Grade
Applicant School
If school is not on the list above, please indicate school here:
School City
Applicant Race/Ethnicity
You may select more than one response.
□ American Indian or Alaska Native
□ Asian
□ Black or African American
□ Hispanic
□ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
□ White
□ Choose not to share
□ Other __________________________
How did you hear about this grant opportunity?
○ ABF E-Newsletter
○ ABF Staff Member
○ ABF Website
○ Coach/Group Leader
○ Former Grant Recipient
○ Friend/Family ○ Online Search
○ School/Teacher
○ Social Media
○ Television/Radio
○ Other, please specify... __________________________
If you were referred by someone or by another organization, would you please provide the organization’s name and/or the individual’s name
Parent and Guardian Information
Parent/Guardian First Name
Parent/Guardian Last Name
Parent/Guardian Home Street Address
Parent/Guardian Home City
Parent/Guardian Home City if not Minnesota
Home County (if home address is MN)
Parent/Guardian Home State (MN)
Parent/Guardian Home Zip Code
Parent/Guardian Email Address
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Mentor Information
Form for "Mentor Information"
Reminder: An ABF grant mentor cannot be a family member (parent, guardian, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather), the activity provider, or an employee of the activity provider.
Mentor First Name
Mentor Last Name
Mentor Home Street Address
Mentor Home City
Mentor Home City if not Minnesota
Home County if home address is MN
Mentor Home State
Mentor Home Zip Code
Mentor Email Address
Will be used for grant notification email
______________________ Mentor Phone Number
Mentor relationship to mentee
Grant Activity Information
Grant Activity Description (5 words or less)
Grant Request Amount ($1000 maximum)
Grant Request Itemized Budget
Please include a cost breakdown of how the $1000 will be allocated including any equipment or technology costs. Must include an activity + equipment. If the activity is free of charge, but requires technology or equipment, we encourage girls to apply. Technology expenses will be reimbursed after a receipt is provided.
Total Cost of Activity
Type of Activity
□ Arts/Music
□ Culture/Language
□ Horse Riding
□ Leadership/Education
□ Travel
□ Dance/Ballet
□ Basketball
□ Cheerleading
□ Cross Country/Track
□ Figure Skating/Hockey
□ Gymnastics
□ Outdoors
□ Soccer
□ Softball
□ Volleyball
□ Sports: Other
□ Sports: Other, please specify... __________________________
□ Other, please specify... __________________________
Activity Start Date (approximate)
Activity End Date (approximate)
Activity must be complete on or before April 1, 2024
Activity Provider Name (as would be written on the check)
Activity Provider Contact Name (first and last)
Activity Provider Street Address (where check will be mailed to)
Activity Provider City
Activity Provider State
Activity Provider Zip Code
Activity Provider Email Address
Activity Provider Phone Number
Activity Provider Website
Applicant Responses
This section must be completed fully by the applicant herself to be considered by the selection panel. Please answer the following questions clearly and thoroughly in your own words. The more detail you can share about your activity and dream, the more we will be able to understand what you hope to be able to achieve with this grant. If the applicant is not able to type, the mentor or parent/guardian may type the applicant’s responses for her.
1. What activity will you participate in with this grant and why is it important to you?
2. Tell us about a big, bold dream that you have. How do you think this activity will help you accomplish and achieve your goals or dream(s)?
3. What do you hope to learn or discover about yourself through this activity?
4. Describe something about yourself that you are proud of and why that matters to you.
5. What is the applicant's relationship with the mentor? How is your mentor helping you with your application and how will they help you with your grant activity?
6. Are you raising additional money to make participation in this activity possible? If so, how?
7. Please provide any other information you think is important for us to know about you or your application.
Mentor Responses
Mentors, please answer the following questions on behalf of your mentee. In addition to reading the responses of your mentee, your answers below will help us understand how this grant will help your mentee have a chance to live her dream and reach her full potential. Reminder: Mentors cannot be an immediate family member (not the girl’s parent, guardian, brother, sister, aunt, or uncle), the activity provider, or an employee of the activity provider.
1. What is your relationship to your mentee? How and when did you meet?
2. Why do you feel that this experience will be important to this girl?
3. What criteria do you use to assess the need of this girl? For example, is there a financial need, any personal challenges, or other barriers to her ability to pursue her goals or dream(s)?
4. Why is this a good time for this girl to participate in this specific activity?
5. What do you hope your mentee will learn or accomplish from this experience?
6. How will you support your mentee throughout and after her activity?
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
7. Is there anything else you would like the share?
Applicant & Parent/Guardian Signature
Media Authorization and Consent:Grant recipients of the Ann Bancroft Foundation (ABF) grant programs can be featured in public relations and marketing materials, including but not limited to: press releases, annual reports, newsletters, websites, social media, brochures, letters, slide/PowerPoint presentations, video presentations and photo displays to show the accomplishments of our grant recipients, raise awareness of ABF grant programs, help fundraise for ABF, and show the long-term impact of the ABF grant programs. Information such as grantee interviews, quotes, photos, videos, written materials, and social media content may be used by ABF to further the mission of the Foundation and/or shared with the general public (school officials, media, newsletters, publications, web site), content developers (photographers, writers, designers who help ABF develop materials), distribution agents (printing companies and mailing services engaged by ABF), and potential donors to ABF. ABF also welcomes usergenerated content that can be shared and re-used by ABF to show the grant experience, first-hand. Content includes, but is not limited to: grantee/mentor/parent/guardian social media posts that tag or mention ABF, articles or blog posts written by grantee/mentor/parent/guardian, and videos or newspaper articles that feature an ABF grantee/mentor/parent/guardian. I understand that any information, photographs, videotapes or recordings sent with my grant materials remain the property of ABF. I discharge the Ann Bancroft Foundation from claims, causes of action, and liabilities arising from or in connection to the use of my materials.
Mentor Signature
Media Authorization and Consent: Grant recipients of the Ann Bancroft Foundation (ABF) grant programs can be featured in public relations and marketing materials, including but not limited to: press releases, annual reports, newsletters, websites, social media, brochures, letters, slide/PowerPoint presentations, video presentations and photo displays to show the accomplishments of our grant recipients, raise awareness of ABF grant programs, help fundraise for ABF, and show the long-term impact of the ABF grant programs. Information such as grantee interviews, quotes, photos, videos, written materials, and social media content may be used by ABF to further the mission of the Foundation and/or shared with the general public (school officials, media, newsletters, publications, web site), content developers (photographers, writers, designers who help ABF develop materials), distribution agents (printing companies and mailing services engaged by ABF), and potential donors to ABF. ABF also welcomes user-generated content that can be shared and re-used by ABF to show the grant experience, first-hand. Content includes, but is not limited to: grantee/mentor/parent/guardian social media posts that tag or mention ABF, articles or blog posts written by grantee/mentor/parent/guardian, and videos or newspaper articles that feature an ABF grantee/mentor/parent/guardian. I understand that any information, photographs, videotapes or recordings sent with my grant materials remain the property of ABF. I discharge the Ann Bancroft Foundation from claims, causes of action, and liabilities arising from or in connection to the use of my materials. Date _______/____/____(YYYY/MM/DD)
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